The Ghost's??? Part 2...

                                                                                                                                    Dec 6th, 2013
  Hey everyone this is Ghost Lead as you know you hopefully soon the other Ghosts will post their blogs and point of views on here as well on the Ghost Operators web page and on the blog site. Well moving forward, In our last blog moment, I explained the point and what the community be about, what it would consist of and also what the communities intentions are meant for and all that Jazz.

  Now I remember saying that I would get into the team aspect of things and how we operate last time so, things should look easy here. Well I am going to describe what the tea, will be consisted of and what will be the team focus, as well as things that the Ghost’s will have, I know that we are Airsofters and that we mainly focus on three things, Weapon, BB’s and last but not least GEAR!!!!! Some of us Airsofters are gear hoarders, I included in that title of things and I know that you think that gear hoarding is fun well it actually is, it is beneficial, EXTREMELY cool looking, and also just plain out fun to have… In all honesty, I mean really who doesn’t like a little bit of extra gear. Yeah I know there are the light weight guys and the guys who just straight out use pockets. Hey whatever works right?!?! An just gets the job done, because you are the player choose how you wanna play not how everyone else is playing, unless you are in a organized team who likes to look similar in some fashion. Which is also cool because you’re gonna do airsoft battle with guys that look like you best friends right….

 Well let me get back to the main topic of this shall we…. Let me start off with that the Ghost Operators Airsoft team is that it focuses on organization, skill set, training
(somewhat), and also just pure innovation and fun. So like the community the team will also have a 4 pillar base foundation.

1.           To start in order of what I said; Organization, is one main focus on the team, and by organization we mean able to schedule days, time, moments and specific things that are need in the team, also to include guys and gals organization with team gear and uniform. So on that basis, I really don’t care what type of gear you get it doesn’t matter to me like it use too when I started the team back in High School haha, as long as it’s the same color of gear so if we set a standard of just Tan gear, then tan gear is it, or if its Olive Drab then it will be so, same with uniform, if we say the OLD US Army woodland camo then that will be so but it will not be multiple sets of a uniform it will just be a one standard set nothing more, I don’t see the point of wasting money on those kind of extra things if you wanna do it then by all means and you can put in a recommendation, and I’ll be fine with that. Like the same with gear if you prefer a H Harness then a plate carrier then by all means more power to you, as long as you just follow the color code, and since the team is being brought up again we might ask for opinions/suggestions of what uniform to go with and what color set of gear you all would like to see, and that’s completely awesome with me because I love seeing idea’s. Well that was a long one; let’s go with the next shall we.

2.           Skill set guys, now I don’t mean you have to learn a skill set, not at all in fact, I want you to bring your skill sets to the table, because I learned that with a team of different talents makes a strong team with a lot of options as a team leader because you can change up use up or just out right make fun intense chaos out of any game, match or plain out activity you can think of, at least that’s my opinion. Personally if your skilled in tech and stuff bring it to the drawing board, we are an innovative team.

3.           Training??? Hmmm this one is a bit hard, reasons why, well one, we have lives outside of airsoft we can’t just make airsoft one priority guys and that’s understandable, I’m married, and I have a newborn son who turned one month the on since the 1st of December guys, so I understand what busy and having a life is all about guys especially if you have jobs and you desire to join this team ragged of rebels haha. So everyone just understands what I’m getting at alright its cool.

4.           Now last but not least boys and girls, Innovation I kinda mentioned a lot of and about innovation in the second pillar because they go hand in hand, but you get what I am saying about it when it comes to innovation. But now let’s get to the “Fun” see with fun I mean have fun, this team and hopefully community is about knowing the airsoft community and knowing each other guys, we are all friends guys and we are here to have some serious fun and that’s it, nothing major this isn’t a military unit, or paramilitary organization where im trying to drill in your guy’s head to stand at attention and be hardcore, no I think having fun is being hardcore and enjoying life with airsoft.

So yeah guys lets look at it this way the team has idea’s and are still in the drawing board, and for the next blog Ill be sure to make that my next report to you all. So everyone have a good day and airsoft on. This is Ghost lead, catch ya later.


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