First time for everything...


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Nov 22nd, 2013

 Hey everyone this is Ghost Lead from the Ghost Operators Airsoft team, I  just wanted to give a big shout out to everyone I’m very new to this blogging kind of ordeal, but I figure this is one of the few ways to get known and to keep in touch with the Airsoft community and that way you know what is on our minds, we would do video blogs as first thought of on the board, but as life has it’s ways we are all no longer in the same state, at least I’m not and so is another Ghost, I’m in North Carolina which is pretty sweet, its actually very nice out here wilderness wise and environment wise. It’s pretty cool, the rest of the Ghosts are in Arizona and the other Ghost well he is in Washington State, it’s a bit hard but I’ll start from Square One;

  Well guys we were and want to be again a airsoft team, by the meaning were, we started in the early years of high school and since then we have played some awesome games and pretty cool fields and have done stuff here and there. But we started on Sept. 13th 2008 and it was just a small group which was four of us at the time, all good friends and great people to be around. I know this may sound like a real sad tale but in all honesty we had the best of times. Until 2011 graduation year we had to move forward and slowly moved away from the awesome sport, and it was super fun, great memories and all.

  But now guys we are trying to get back into the gear of motion and really try to start up again as a team once more, and try a different approach towards the game of Airsoft and the community that everyone loves to be a part of. An yeah we are going at this a little slow I won’t disagree there but I will say that if I had to put in motion I would rather do it at this speed than any other because it’s so much easier to control then and the team can put into now rather than being rushed at something we are trying to make. In which I’m sure one, or two of you who are bothering to read this agree.

 I know it’s said that we are a team that just went and gone, but I thought it would be cool to bring the team back into play, and also try to start something new for the team as well, and that is to create a community which sounds weird but in the same thought it would be real cool to have a community of “Ghost Operators” who are here to talk about Airsoft and enjoy and love the game and everything that it brings to all of us.. Look guys I’ll be honest I want to make this short a sweat so in other posts I can be more detailed and also have topics to talk about. Granted I will try to do a blog post every week at least once or so, with updates and what’s on the drawing board guys.

  Well guys hopefully things can run smooth and clear on the bumpy road and all well I will catch ya all later guys have a good one


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