The Ghost's??? Part 1...

                                                                                                                                    Dec 4, 2013
Hey everyone it’s, Ghost Lead from Ghost Operators Airsoft Team.

Today’s Topic on the blog I wanted to talk about the Ghost’s Yeah I know in my Ghost Operators Intro I explained some of the things we do and what we are aiming for as a team and possible community in the growth of the Airsoft Community. So I’ll break this down into two parts, the community we are aiming for which will be in this post and then finally the team and the way it goes about things but that will be in another post.


-Well for what you, we, and I know as I explained in my last post, I wanted to create a possible community of Airsofters that, love the community, care about Airsoft as much as anyone who wants to get rid of Airsoft (because such passions do exist) and want to teach the next and future generations of Airsoft what right looks like, and the awesome things and responsibilities Airsoft has. Because let’s be honest, no one and I mean no one wants to see Airsoft go away, and no one wants people that have airsoft guns in their hands to do the wrong thing with like for example, aim the airsoft gun at a police officer, or  walk around in public with a airsoft gun like it’s nobody’s business. So yeah I am pretty sure nobody wants to let that happen. So I thought for a good minute or two on what could help the Airsoft Community, well I know there are many communities out there for Airsoft, and I’m pretty sure an extra one wouldn’t hurt at all, just more players to the sport and fun experience of Airsoft.

-Well right now I’m pretty sure you’re wondering what is going on through my mind well here it is The Four things this community will have:


1.       The community will be regular you and me kind of people, everyday kind of people who love the Airsoft game. Meaning guys and gals who will share awesome experiences, good times.

2.       Airsofters willing to give guidance to the younger generations/new comers to the Airsoft community and know what Right Looks Like (R.L.L.) meaning on what the rules to airsoft are, the do’s and do not’s during on and off the field, the basics that everyone should know, without judgment or hazing of any kind because seriously it’s the internet .

3.       A place to share idea’s whether that be in gear, load outs, airsoft guns, game types, places where to play through out where we all live (Throughout the United States and hopefully Worldwide)

4.       And last but not least but a Photo area, a place to share all the things Airsoft, maybe you out in a game having fun, or an action shot you caught or wanted to make just for show. And also photo of your sweet gear you just want to show off.


-That was pretty long, but the shortest way I could think of, of how to explain what the community would be about. Now you Are probably already thinking “Doesn’t Airsoft GI having something like that, or Evike, yeah they do I believe correct me if I am wrong, and then also there is “Facebook Airsoft” which is a group on Facebook and they also have a website that has that as well and shows off the gig of airsoft which I support and think is extremely awesome, matter of fact all these sites and companies I mentioned are amazing in their own way and you can’t say they are.

-But anyways through explaining what the community is and what it will be (Hopefully it will happen) Whether it be a small group of five people or a big group like 20 or 50 doesn’t matter to me, I still would like to have a group that does these things in my mind I don’t think it would hurt to have an extra group do more for the airsoft community.

-Well I am finally done explaining the community and that’s it for Part 1 next post will be Part 2 and what the Team will be all about, I hope you guys liked the post, if you have any ideas, any at all hit me up on my email,, or just post a comment on the Ghost Operators Page on Facebook, as always guys really appreciate you reading this, even though it may only be one, two, or a handful of you guys and gals.

See ya later.

Ghost Lead


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