Supply drop coming in!

 Hey everyone this is Ghost Lead. Just wanted to drop on in with another entry in the blog... there is actually gonna be a few in fact. I know its been a very long time since I have posted since the review, its not like I do not want to post anything... its just... well, being busy and all... but watching and noticing that people actually either stumble upon this blog by accident or people actually read this blog, which the good side of me says that people do read this and enjoy it, but who knows I might just be typing this for just me, myself and I.


  I was putting in another entry on the blog to say that I am getting two new airsoft guns that should be in, in the next few days, also wanted to make this point crystal clear, is that I purchased these airsoft guns, I didn't get them handed to me for me to do a review for a certain company or anything just for the sake of a review and never give the damn things a proper field test.... case in point.... I bought them with my own money, because I wanted them and because I like to re-amp my arsenal I used to have about seven years ago (that's a LONG time!). So yeah, I got two airsoft weapons and some ammo with some magazines to use for my load out. Oh Also I got me a "communication platform",  and by that I mean one set of two radio's that are two way radios and I believe have Ultra High Frequency capabilities other wise known as UHF. Which is gonna be totally awesome to test out and see how the comms equipment preforms in all environments, and that radio platform should be coming in real soon, almost as soon as tomorrow I believe, don't hold me to it, because things happen and shipping companies will be shipping companies.... (in a good way)

   Either way, I wanted to mention one more thing in regards to the review and when I do the review of these items, is that its my opinion on the matter and only my opinion. Figured I had to mention that. I don't want anyone being funny when they try to come up with something funny...anyways... a supply drop should be coming in real soon, I be posting pictures the minute I get the drop, either on here or on social media, most likely both. Thanks for reading everyone.!

This is Ghost Lead, out.



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