My Opinion: "The RIP Kid" Incident

  What's is going on everyone, this is Ghost Lead here to give you another entry into the blog... I know this is probably odd, but I am,  trying to keep on top of posting blog entries I know its on the same day... but I wanna flush these entries out because they have been in my drafts for a good minute now, being busy does have some effect to this but at the moment I am trying to come up with a good schedule when I will post these....


  How do I start this I was originally going to post a recording of what I "thought" on this matter since it happen I believe on January 25th of this year 2016, but I didn't because I had some pretty awesome language to share during that recording... so, I'm gonna use that as notes...

  On January 25th 2016 there was a incident that happen at SC Village out in California US. for those who are overseas reading this. A video that has came viral among the airsoft community, the video was, from what I am assuming taken down and then re-uploaded through a few other YouTube channels and then re-uploaded from the original "guy" who did this... I wanna give my two cents on the matter.

 First off this is a disgusting display of everything wrong with certain "Airsoft players" that do all wrong or who think they had the right or cool for doing it. Long story short to this bad tale just as short as the video really... is that a kid who from the video looks no younger then maybe between the ages of 12 to 15 standing next to the down helicopter talking to someone and then gets blasted by a "individual" who you can clearly tell set the settings on his HPA and fired a the kid, lighting up his whole back which in the video sounds like 450FPS mini-gun. As the kids screams in pain, because I mean real people do have physical feeling and all. But then the kid goes down in pain because you can see it. I mean really the Individual had some good reason right, because now days kids can do whatever they want thinking that its okay or its cool to such things... THIS GUYS reasoning was that the kid burned his "PATCH!!!"..... Like THAT'S A REASON, because you know that's okay right, that's justified... I wonder if the kids parents were cool with the fact, that their son just got lit because.... of you know... he burned someones patch. Because that patch must of have had feelings and must have saw what was coming to it.

  Second.... This was a patch must have given you special powers right. Like "you wear this patch you are now in GOD MODE, YEP.... NOW BUY IT FOR 10.99"  very sad indeed, I mean lets think about this from a prospective when also in the video, there was a guy who says, I'm not quoting the exact words, but to bring "Law Enforcement" into this.... now is that the right thing to do...YES... and with that being said, imagine we aren't on a field anymore and now the Law has been brought to our attention here, to the name of Airsoft.... Lets say the this issue has gone and passed right and maybe in another field in California or another state in the US this was to happen again... and instead of someones back, it is someones eye... I mean even with eye-protection, the HPA gun with higher settings if I'm not mistake can break through the eye pro and penetrate the eyes. And lets say that does happen... and it happens to a kid who has something we older guys and gals like ages 22 and older don't have, that these kids have, that watches out for them...."parents".... think about it, if the parents wanted too, they would press charges, AND if the lawyer was wanting to be a hot shot and probably has a anti gun view on things that happen in the United States, and uses the statement "Airsoft guns are a danger to society and are harming our children.....".....then I could see that lawyer be given support by the "Gun Control" Lobby.... and lets be honest with ourselves the Airsoft world does not have that much power or money to fund a defense against groups that have the assets to engage us on a turf we don't usually fight on and that is the court system and the law.... and watch who wins at that point everyone... Not the Airsoft community, we will lose.... And lets say HPA got banned because of someone presenting what kind of danger this could be, then whats to say your normal AEG can't be banned either. All I know is that even though this happen on the 25th of January... its still a open wound with salt on it.

......Just think about it everyone......

  I'm sorry for going on a rant because I hate ranting about certain things. But I wanted to give my two cents or atleast one cent because I know if I keep going I'll say something that should'nt be said..

Alrighty everyone this is Ghost Lead. Out.


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