Whats our Status?

   Hey everyone this is Ghost Lead giving you another Entry for the Ghost Operators Airsoft Blog. So I figure I give everyone a Situation Report (SITREP) on where we are as a team and what we are doing to get to the next step in moving forward.
   So I mean there isn't much that can be done other than discussions and how we should operate as a team and how we should let the individual Ghost be when it comes to freedom of gear, uniform, weapons and on starting to gather equipment and consumables (BB's, glow sticks and such) and for the moment the reason why its been like this is that because we are still not in one location I am still in North Carolina and the rest of the team is in Arizona now, which is why I stated that for the moment all that can be done is discussions and gathering of equipment and other resources.
    Now I will say that coordinating  the team now then back in a time like 2008 is so much easier, and this is the case for a lot of reasons for this, like freedom use whatever airsoft gun we wanted, or have a little more freedom to look unique in our own way, in general there are too many to list but I will give you the two reasons I thought what held us back a bit way back when we started out back in the 2008

Reason 1: We were all self funding back then and at our age it was pretty difficult but with the help of our parents it gave us some room to move around! Like big time.

Reason 2: When we did have the funds to buy stuff we bought the cheapest but still good in quality but had to remain similar in nature. So we had to maintain tight uniformity and no uniqueness to any degree.

  To be honest it sucked. Leading the team was awesome but at the time I wished we could have expanded more and be a little more unique, I mean yes did it matter really... nope not at all, we still played hard and had a lot of fun with our hobby/sport. But as time had past and we began our lives as adults and moved on in the world, we had to either sell our gear or put it in the locker and comeback to it another day if ever. Which is why I still wanted to bring back the team now. But now with some flare I guess you could say. I mean I thought about it and wanted to bring something to the table. That was being more unique, with weapons choice, how we maintained appearance on with uniforms and such. More freedom then we had before when the team started, I mean heck why not...


  Well back to the point as I am here to report... progress is slow and meeting milestones are very far away, to the point where we might seem like chairsofters, more than airsofters, I mean for a time we were out of touch Ghost Wolf was in Utah I am in North Carolina and SIC Ghost and Ghost Hawk were in Arizona, but since last year Ghost Wolf is back in Arizona and the team is still trying to get all their equipment in order. But I am still in North Carolina, but only for a short while now.
  Now when it comes to discussions, now that's something we are firing on all cylinders. We discuss everything from what we are going to do when we all link up, laying out ideas on how we should recruit members, special projects us Original Four wanna see for the team as a whole, to talking about the future for us two years from now.
   I'll be happy to share that none of us, me, SIC Ghost, Ghost Wolf, or Ghost Hawk want to see the team go away anytime soon, and we talk about ways we can keep the team alive and how we can expand. But this is all discussion and we all want to see this into action.
    Now to tell you, I am trying to push in more blog entries when it comes to reviews and entries of what's going on with us as a team or anything that helps out the Airsoft Community in anyway possible like radio communications which is something I know quite a bit of. Also I need to make it a point with updating the Ghost Operators Facebook page and instagram on a regular basis, and trying to post our stuff on other social media as well.
   With that being said, I mentioned earlier that progress is slow, and it sucks. Also with that being said I am gonna say this because I feel with reading the part about social media and stuff I feel like others will think we are looking to be spotlighted and be "famous" which I will say this three times now NO NO NO!!!!!! Here/with us in the Ghost Operators airsoft team, we are not looking for fame or recognition, we just want to share our fun experience past or present and we also want to help the airsoft community, show the community our way of thinking, and helping out a Airsofter whether that's a new player coming in or a player who has been in this hobby/sport for a good minute and at the same time improve our team and grow ourselves. I mean that's all we want to do, and to those that read this and support us as we go through this slow transition. Your support is greatly appreciated and will take us far. Alrighty guys thanks for reading have a good one, this is Ghost Lead out.


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