The Supply drop is here!!!

NOTE: This is should have been posted a week ago, click here to read "New Rig" and why it has been taking forever for me to get these posted

     Hey everyone this is Ghost lead, putting in a new entry to the blog giving you some pictures of what I got from my purchase that I called the "Supply Drop" which was a little late from what UPS notified me saying it was because of a winter storm happening... I don't know but that's what it said, but its alright, its here and that's the best part of all this. Oh also wanted to put two updates, The Ghost Operators have an Instagram now, I was hesitant to do, but I figured why not it doesn't matter its worth the effort and try I guess... and the second update is that there will be another P.G.R. otherwise know as Personal Gear Review, it will be posted soon, after I do some more fielding, and other tests needed for it.

   Alrighty since we have a roger on that, on wanted to go into the what I call the Supply Drop, so its really nothing that fancy or neat I just thought it would be cool to call it that since this order came all the way from California to here where I am currently at, which is North Carolina, coast to coast practically. Another Reason why I called it a supply drop, is because it wasn't just one order it was two orders and one local purchase, one being airsoft another other being a communication platform meaning two radios, and he last being shoe wear That I am going to do a P.G.R. soon. Oh also Ill put a link to every item I got at the bottom of this entry, I won't put prices on here, because sometimes price changes and all so I don't want to put down info that could possibly change.

 So what did I get in this supply drop well I got;
-Two Airsoft gun
-Speed loader

That's the first part of it in the second part of the supply drop I got;

-Two Radios
-Two BNC connectors
-Antenna extension cable
-Larger radio battery

Also I got footwear...

So why did I get this stuff??

Well reason I got this was, because I am trying to get back into Airsoft, and really its been a good minute sense a I played since mid 2012, so yeah its been a good four years so I wanted to get something that was fresh out of the box, I have a M4 G&G Combat Machine from 2012, but its old and I don't know for sure if anything would be wrong with it not being fired or used at all for four years. Maybe Ill restore it who knows.

So two of the airsoft guns I got are a primary and a side arm, I didn't get a secondary because of weight factor I would rather travel light. So I got was for a side arm is a Elite Force 1911 A1 model. I have heard a lot of great things about Elite Force, I use to have a SOCOM Gear 1911 A1 model great sidearm I loved it, it was OD and its name buck...and I was going to get that too, but I wanted to try something new.

I can't wait to try this out on the field!

  The second airsoft gun I got which is the primary and if a airsoft gun I hardly ever see on the field if not at all when I use to play in Arizona. I hardly see it on YouTube and when I do its a rare showing or its a quick glance. I got the SRC SR8 otherwise based off the Model of the XM8 Assault Rifle designed by H&K when they were trying to develop a new primary weapon system for the United States Army several years back. Obliviously it did not make the final cut. So it never really made it into the hands of the United States Army, but that didn't stop SRC to make a airsoft version. I love this gun, and I loved it before it became a airsoft gun. It looks super future cool! Not only that but it was in one of my favorite games of all tie when it comes to tactical shooters and that is Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter, the first one!! So with that being said, I loved it and I wanted to get for longest time when it first came out but could never afford it. But now I could and I got it! So excited to try this one out!! Its gonna be awesome!!

Now I know what you are probably thinking about the primary and I understand....

I did get other things like magazines and a speed loader I don't have pictures of them because my phone dies and I opened them up pretty quick...sorry I was excited..... but I have a picture of all the items and Ill show that picture last.

I also got Elite Force BB's again heard a lot of great things and I wanted to give them a try I use to us Airsoft Gi BB's a lot.

The Radio with the extended battery

Alrighty that was the airsoft items that came with the supply drop is the Radio Platform I got which are BaoFengs UV-5R Very High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF)radio. I got two one for airsoft and one for my son, because he loves radios and anything where he just presses buttons and such or for a team member who needs a piece of communication. Before I started doing the blog and wanted to get more into airsoft again I read that these were the best and very affordable radios and very popular to get when it comes to airsoft. But... atleast from what I am assuming you need a license you need to pass a test in the US for the FCC otherwise known as the Federal Communications Commission. They in basic terms when it comes to this type of radio is because it uses frequencies that Law Enforcement and Medical Units use, so in order use frequencies that are that are in the ranges that Police and Medical use you need a license, but that's a entry for another time when I go into explaining communications and licenses, ham radios, and other communication subjects.

  Here is the BaoFeng radio.

 The Radio with all components expect single headphones, inside the box. 

I got other items with this Radio platform. An extended Battery for this radio as well. Which is always good to have, especially for the ranges this is radio has the capability reaching.

I also got a Nagoya Antenna(a legit Nagoya Antenna) with a set of BNC connectors and a ham radio extension cable so I can run this through my kit and have better range capabilities then other radios being used out in the field.

Nagoya Antenna

BNC Connectors

Ham Radio Extension Cable

Alrighty the next and last item I got which I would consider a sneak peak for the next P.G.R. entry coming soon to the blog guys is actually footwear I bought it while I was in the store and it was pretty cheap. so yeah this P.G.R. will be for those who are looking for something cheap and on low to medium budget or just straight up tight budget. I got Eddie Bauer hiking boots. So far still going through testing and fielding to make sure I cover all the spots to give this a proper review.

Finally at the end which is this last picture the boots are not I this picture but the Magazines are, and the speed loader is on this picture. But guys I hope you enjoyed reading this, I know that this was long, and torturous. I'm sorry...(no I'm not) well either way I am glad you read this and I hope you enjoyed this, post your comments down below, tell me whatcha think, you're awesome!! oh and keep reading the links to each item. This is Ghost Lead, out.


Elite Force 1911 A1 Airsoft Pistol

SRC SR8 Airsoft Rifle

Elite Force BB's

Matrix G26C/ MK36/ XM8

6MM ProShop Speed Loader

BaoFeng UV-5R Radio

Expert Power BaoFeng Extended Battery

Nagoya Whip Antenna

Antenna to Radio Extension Cable

Note: Don't Have a link to the Boots because I bought it at the store.


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