Ghost Operators Interview Q&A with Scoutthedoggie!

  Hey everyone this is Ghost lead giving you a special entry today I know its been a good long minute since I posted. As you already know why and it hasn't been easy, But don't worry this entry I have been working on a bit to get it here and honestly I didn't think this would actually be a reality guys and gal!
   So a few of weeks back I watched a video on the YouTube (click here to see video) When I saw it, it didn't come off as like really a shock or surprise but more of like "Really why???" So I got this thought to ask someone who has airsofted for a good minute and I thought who better than Scouthedoggie, one the famous airsoft YouTuber in the UK, everyone in the airsoft community has seen this guy. A lot of people probably got into airsoft because of watching his video. So yeah I thought why not, if I message him I have maybe some luck on my side and he'll answer me back on the situation here with what the video saying. Well I actually I got a response, and it was mainly a positive response and with good news. So with that response I had another quick thought and without even thinking about it 100% the way through I just asked if he was willing to do a Q&A interview, and you could already guess where that went.
Either way everyone the Interview is below enjoy!

  Hey Scout, thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this Q&A for us here at the Ghost Operators Airsoft Team Blog, Thank you again. So let's get started: How long ago and what got you into Airsoft and why the particular name Scoutthedoggie for your name for your YouTube Channel?

A: Almost 11 years ago I ordered an Airsoft gun for a friends birthday, when it arrived I was surprised at how good it was, I was expecting a glorified Nerf gun, but this was very different.  After a search on the internet I found a store called "Airsoft World" which is located in Lochgelly, Fife.  They own a site called "The Fort" which is near Kirkcaldy, I went along, had a brilliant day and was hooked instantly.  As for name, I had a white German shepherd dog, who was called Scout, Scout the doggie, I was already using the name for other things on the internet, so I just continued it when I set up my YouTube account, over and done inside a minute, no deep thought to it.

Q: What got you into the idea of filming/photography for airsoft, were you mainly in the  profession of using a camera before hand or was it just a hobby that you loved and wanted to get more into, and thought airsoft was the best way of doing it?

A: I have some background in video, but just as a hobby, I used to do covert filming of gigs, when was great fun, except on the rare occasion that I was caught by the security staff. So I stopped doing that when I got into Airsoft. So I started filming because I wanted to show my young son what I was going to every Sunday.  I thought that if I started filming some of the games, I could place them on YouTube, my son could watch them and my friends would see them, which could encourage them to try Airsoft.  I expected a few views for each video, maybe 100 or so at most.  But within a week they had a few thousand views and as I added more videos I got more views, within a year I had my first Million views, I thought that was great and would probably get no better than that, but here I am now with well over 194 Million views and it’s still rolling along.  

Q: I have to ask? Do you Milsim? If so do you have any MilSim videos on your channel? If not, is there any plans to go to any MilSim events in Scotland or England in the future?

A: I'm not interested in Milsim events, very little action, usually spread out over vast areas is of now use to me at all.  You can get random short bits of action, which is not great for editing together for a video, unless you dub in music, which I never use for copyright reasons. So many video makers make basic videos, which are OK, but once you add in the right music, it can change a video completely and turn it into something amazing.  I don’t use music, even if it is said to be “Copyright free” because even though it is copyright free today, someone can claim a copyright on it in the future and anyone using that music in a YouTube video, instantly loses that video.  I know a few youtubers who have lost control of videos this way, is rare, but does happen.

Q: When either on or before heading to the airsoft field, is there ever a moment or thought where you just want to let go of the camera and just play airsoft, and if you do are those the times you wish you did bring the camera?

A: Oh yeah, all the time.  I have the same problems as LevelCap, who recently gave up making Airsoft videos for many reasons, I feel his pain, what was a fun hobby has turned into something else. I seldom get a moment of peace, from the second I park my car right up until I leave.  The only way I could go play and just have a fun day with my friends, would be by going to Airsoft sites outside of Scotland.  

Q: Is there ever a chance you would be able to come down to the United States to film airsoft? I know I have seen some American's show up to Scotland to play airsoft and from the looks of it they have a good time. Is there a chance you will come down here to the United States or anywhere else in Europe that you would love to film airsoft for a weekend or a month or so?

A: I would love to go to some events in the USA, but my visit would have to be sponsored by a store or event, because it would cost me thousands to get there, then hotel costs, car rental, it’s a lot of money. And even though I said in a previous answer that “I seldom get a moment of peace”  I really would be happy to just sit at some airsoft event and do a meet and greet all day, because most of my views come from the USA and I would love to meet the people who watch my videos.

Q: This is probably a question you ask yourself rarely because you have been around for a good minute doing this when it comes to making airsoft videos, you still see yourself doing this? Filming airsoft and playing airsoft 3 to 5 years from now or is that time coming where you will have to put down the mantel of filming and playing airsoft or will you continue until you are completely out of juice to play and/or film airsoft?

A: I'm really not sure if I will still be doing this in a few years time.  Because of changes YouTube is going through right now, I certainly would not encourage anyone to spend a lot of money on cameras etc. to try and make videos for YouTube, because it is not worthwhile.  I'm sure that in the next year or two quite a few big Youtubers of all kinds will give up, unless they are being sponsored. However, there is a  problem with Airsoft & sponsorship. It is technically not allowed for youtubers to promote the sale of airsoft guns via links in the information boxes below their videos, this is because Google AdSense has banned airsoft gun adverts.  I know certain Airsoft YouTubers are sponsored and do this, it’s only a matter of time before YouTube spot this and all the videos will be gone.

Q: On the topic of Airsoft Scandals and also in regards to a video I sent a few days ago, I know you said that the sources this video used it information from, I quote "Are from Scottish and UK Newspaper Reports, which are overblown rubbish" end quote. Which in my opinion is good thing to hear from you because no one wants that to happen but at the same time it's pretty low of tabloids and news outlets to report false information to cause uproar. But let's say in an Alternate World "IF" this was to happen, how do you think other airsofters would react and would there be like a counter group from the Scottish or the English Airsoft Community to repeal/ fight this kind of registration of Airsoft Guns?

A: There already are counter groups, such as UKARA, who act on the behalf of Airsoft players and retailers in all countries of the UK and they were successful in getting Airsoft exempted from the changes to gun laws in Scotland  The guy who made the video, failed to point that out. This is common amongst practictioners of bullshit, he was just doing selective reporting, he took bits of a story which fitted in with what he wanted to say and missed out the bits which did not help him with his story in the video.  

Q: With this being said, I also would like to ask in regards to what happen a few weeks ago with Facebook. Since they decided to come down with the ban hammer and enforce rules in regards to banning pages that conduct the sale of Airsoft Guns, has this affected the community over in Scotland? If it has, has the community moved over to forums or personal airsoft website?

A: There are plenty of Airsoft forums in the UK and sales continue on them as they have done for many years.  I guess this Facebook ban just helps the forums get users back who went onto Facebook years ago. I know some of the Facebook pages just switched to Private from open and continue as normal.

Q: Now to our last two questions, I know this is something you usually aren't asked other than the common questions like "What gun do you use?" or "What camera do you use? I know there is a lot of those kind of questions but I ask, what kind of system aka Computer and video editing software do you use to make your videos, because the videos you make are awesome!

A: I use a 17” Macbook Pro with SSD, lots of extra ram etc and a 27” iMac. Software is just iMove, the standard free software that’s in all macs.  I could use Final Cut Pro X, but I’m happy with iMovie, it’s easy, it’s FREE & it does what I want.

Q: Now for the last question, if there is any advise you wanted to give someone who wants to film while they play or if they wanted to film others play or even take pictures of the action going on at their local field, what is the advice you would give them to help them succeed whether it be filming or taking pictures at airsoft games?

A: If you do not have cameras etc, then get them from Ebay, used, you do not need the most up to date expensive cameras.  The video cameras I use can be bought on Ebay UK for $100.  The cameras are gonna get shot at and eventually damaged, so better to lose $100, than $1000.  If you are gonna use a GoPro, then get an external mic, because the built in mics are rubbish, $20 will get you a decent external stereo mic.  Software, as I said, get a Mac, Apple stores have free in store tutorials for Mac owners, book the iMovie one and they will show you how to work the software from start to finish, again for FREE.  Don’t buy a super top of the range Windows PC for video work then install Sony Vegas or whatever overpriced, overblown software, you probably will not be able to use it and it is the biggest stumbling block for any wannabe video maker I know.  Oh and if you are taking photos, put them on Instagram, Pintrest is garbage, Instagram is far better and don’t put photos on Facebook as it is truly a waste of time. It’s now at the stage on Facebook where they want you to pay to promote every single post and you will be lucky if they inform 10% of your followers.  

So that’s it, Im done.

End Interview.

 That is it guys I hope you enjoyed the read. Now I know there are some errors and all but this is straight cut from the emails and Q&A document I typed up. I wanted to give you this interview as is and how it was written and I hope you enjoy that. Also I want to thank Scout for taking the time to do this, it means a lot especially since this is the Ghost Operators first interview Q&A. Oh and guys tell me what you thought of the Q&A, since this is our very first Q&A so your input matters. Thanks for reading. This is Ghost Lead out.

PS: I don't know why you haven't before you read this blog, but here is a link to his channel check it out


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